Amnesty International Demands Release Of Detained #EndBadGovernace Demonstrators

Amnesty International Demands Release Of Detained #EndBadGovernace Demonstrators
Amnesty International Demands Release Of Detained #EndBadGovernace Demonstrators

Amnesty International has raised concerns about the Nigerian government’s crackdown on peaceful protesters, stating that over 1,000 individuals who participated in the recent #EndBadGovernance protests are currently in prison custody nationwide.

The protests, which took place between August 1 and 10, aimed to draw attention to hunger and corruption issues in the country.

The human rights organization has accused the Nigerian authorities of escalating their crackdown on peaceful protesters by arraigning over 100 protesters in court on trumped-up charges.

On Friday, Amnesty International took to social media to condemn the actions of the Nigerian government, calling for the immediate and unconditional release of all those arrested for exercising their right to peaceful assembly.

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The organization’s statement highlighted the unfair trial of 441 people in Kano, emphasizing that the Nigerian government has an obligation to uphold the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

As the situation continues to unfold, Amnesty International remains steadfast in its demand for the release of the detained protesters, emphasizing the importance of protecting human rights in Nigeria.


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