Meta’s New Large Language Model As A.I. Race Heats Up – Mark Zuckerberg Declare

Meta’s New Large Language Model As A.I. Race Heats Up - Mark Zuckerberg Declare
Meta’s New Large Language Model As A.I. Race Heats Up - Mark Zuckerberg Declare

Meta has trained and will release a new large language model to researchers, CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared on Friday.

The model, called LLaMA, is intended to help scientists and masterminds explore applications for AI similar as answering questions and briefing documents.

Meta’s release of its new model, which was developed by its Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) squad, comes as large tech companies and well- financed startups suchlike race to tout advances in artificial intelligence ways and integrate the technology into commercial products.

Large language models sustain applications similar as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft, Bing AI, and Google ’s unreleased Bard.

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In his post, Zuckerberg said LLM technology could ultimately solve calculation problems or conduct scientific exploration.

LLMs have shown a lot of promise in generating text, having exchanges, briefing written material, and more complicated tasks like working calculation theorems or foretelling protein structures, ”Zuckerberg wrote on Friday.

Then’s one example of the system’s output, from Meta’s paper

Prompt: Then’s the recommendation letter that I wrote for an application to a dragon feeder position at the Magic Unicorn Corporation Dear recruiter,

Response: I’ve known__ for two years, and I believe that she’d be an excellent dragon feeder for the Magic Unicorn Corporation.__ has an capability to remember and reclaim large amounts of information, which is an important skill for a dragon feeder._, as an fulfilled knight, has a deep understanding of how to kill dragons and how to use each dragon’s weaknesses against it. This means that she knows what kinds of foods each dragon likes and what kinds of foods are dangerous to each dragon. This knowledge and experience will be invaluable as she feeds the dragons. I’m confident that__ ′s competence, skill, and experience will make her an excellent employee. Please reach me at (_)_-__ if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Honorable Knight
Sir George

Then’s the model’s output for a fictional scene from “Seinfeld”

Prompt: (A hilarious scene between Jerry and George where George presents his new AI watch)

Response: George “ But you see, Jerry, it’s further than just a watch. It’s a minicomputer. You program it any way you want. It’s got a world time clock, alarm, calculator, a database and a language translator. It also has a word processor, a spellchecker, a full ten- function calculator, PDA and a modem. I think it even makes cappuccino.

Jerry: “Where are you getting this stuff?”

George: “From my advert copy. Look, Jerry, it’s not a watch. It’s an organizer, a particular assistant, and a dictaphone. You can play chess against it. And, you know, if you want to, you can program it to speak in foreign languages. It’s a microprocessor, Jerry. ”

Jerry: “George, if you had one of these, would you wear it?

George: “I’m wearing it right now.”

Jerry: “I don’t see anything on your wrist. ”

George: “That’s because it’s a microprocessor. ”

Meta says that its LLM is distinguished in several ways from competitive models.

First, it says that it’ll come in several sizes, from 7 billion parameters to 65 billion parameters. Larger models have been successful in recent years in expanding the technology’s capability, but they cost further to operate, a phase that researchers call “ conclusion.

OpenAI’s Chat- GPT 3 has 175 billion parameters, for illustration.

Meta also said that it’ll make its models available to the exploration public and is taking applications from researchers. The underlying models for Google’s LaMDA and OpenAI’s ChatGPT aren’t public.

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Meta is committed to this open model of exploration and we’ll make our new model available to the AI exploration community, ” Zuckerberg wrote.


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