Statistics On Day 1 Protest Reveal Loss Of 21 Lives, 175 Injured, Trail Of Destruction

Statistics On Day 1 Protest Reveal Loss Of 21 Lives, 175 Injured, Trail Of Destruction.
Statistics On Day 1 Protest Reveal Loss Of 21 Lives, 175 Injured, Trail Of Destruction.

The first day of protests in Nigeria has left a devastating trail of destruction, with alarming statistics revealing the extent of the chaos:

Human Toll: 21 lives lost, 175 injured, and 1,154 arrested, as the authorities’ response to the protests has been marked by brutality and excessive force.

Curfews Imposed: Yobe, Maiduguri, and Kano are under curfew, restricting movement and exacerbating the sense of unease.

Violence Spreads: 17 states, including Abuja, Adamawa, Bauchi, and Lagos, have witnessed violence, with protesters and security forces clashing in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

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Peaceful Protests: 7 states, including Plateau, Taraba, and Delta, have seen peaceful protests, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

Economic Devastation: The estimated worth of goods lost stands at a staggering 6 billion Naira, as businesses and properties have been destroyed or looted.

States Unaffected: 6 states, including Abia, Anambra, and Ebonyi, have remained relatively calm, offering a sense of normalcy amidst the turmoil.

As the situation continues to unfold, the need for wisdom and restraint has never been more pressing.

The authorities must find a way to address the protesters’ grievances without resorting to force, lest the situation spirals out of control.


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