The Day Shantel, Joshua’s Wife Became The Bread Winner

By African Future Leadership Magazine.

“What more would a man need? I take care of all the financial needs of the family. I give my husband full control of my debit and credit card. All I own belongs to my husband. I belong to my husband. I’m the most submissive woman to him. What more do you think a man would want?” Shantel listed with a smile as she faced her best friend with mischief in her eyes. Annabel shifted uneasily in her chair. This wasn’t what she was expecting from the whole drama. What she had envisaged wasn’t happening. She rolled her eyes in her socket, and for a second, one would think it would fall off its position. Annabel was boiling right on that seat. The deadly look on her face could kill if it were possible. The smile plastered on her face like makeup was just a cover for the anger she had on her face.

Shantel took a sip slowly from the glass of champagne in her hands and placed it carefully at the edge of the stool right in front of her. She tucked her hair away from her face and a black beauty was revealed. Her beauty was breathtaking. If we compare her to an idol that would be unfair to such a beauty she held in there. She chuckled once more and faced Annabel looking very serious and authoritative this time.

“Annabel, because you had the chance to know about my family when I considered you a sister. Have you tried to take advantage of it? Yes, my husband is currently out of Job, and I’m the breadwinner; yes, my husband owns me, and he’ll never stop loving me, and I’ll never stop doing the same. So Annabel, excuse yourself from my house this minute.” Shantel thundered, and for a minute, she looked like she had just come back from a meeting with Lucifer himself. Annabel, finally bowing to defeat, stood up, arranged her dress, and left without taking a glance at the friend and sister she once had in Shantel.

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As soon as Annabel left, Shantel teared up. She held her mouth in a bid to cover up the loud cry that kept on trying to escape. Fresh tears ran down her eyes as she reminisced painfully about her friendship years with Annabel. Her husband walked in on her crying and called out to her. She quickly cleaned her tears, plastered a smile, and faced him.

” Babe…”
” Don’t pretend to be fine. What’s wrong?” Joshua’s voice rang with love, care, and anger at the same time. He hated to see his beloved wife cry for whatever reason. She has been the best thing that ever happened to him. He was the luckiest man to have married her. Seeing her in pain or tears often broke his heart. He sat by her side and hugged her while patting her back and then she let out a wail.

“I just got betrayed by a friend babe. It hurts, I thought she cared about us. She mocked me and tried to make me doubt you. I felt like a fool for the first time in five years since you lost your job. I felt like I was being used by you. Bae, she said she caught you cheating on me with someone in Gold’s Hotel. Babe…” Her emotions betrayed her and she cried painfully again. Joshua disengaged from the hug and stared at her in surprise and disbelief. He knelt and that took Shantel by surprise. Her heartbeat changed at a fast rate, and she shut her eyes as if trying not to see whatever confession he had to do like she could see it rather than hear it. She held her chest as she heard her husband sniff and cry too.

” Oh God, so it’s true, ” she thought painfully.
When Joshua found his voice, he looked at her again and placed his hands in hers and he said,
“Shantel I’m sorry for hurting you by losing my job. The whole burden had to be on you, and you felt overwhelmed. I couldn’t protect you from Annabel and you have to face this embarrassment from people because of my inability to provide. I’m sorry for promising and failing. I’m sorry for…” Shantel cut him short by rushing him in a hug. She was so relieved to know the truth. They wept like a baby on each other for a while. They caught their breath and stared affectionately at each other. Shantel smiled and held her husband’s face lovingly and whispered sweetly.

“Thanks for staying true to me. If I have to be the breadwinner till our last breath. I’ll do that with you. It’s a privilege taking financial care of you also. I’m so lucky to have you. The way you act like the mother and father to Aria and I. Your commitment and the way you push me to the top in my career. I guess that was your job planned by God. Because of you and God, I am who I am today. Babe, if I have to provide forever, I’ll do it. Just don’t stop being the husband and father you are please.” Shantel said pleadingly while holding his hands.

“I won’t my love.” He whispered back, and then went in for a tighter cuddle with Shantel giggling like a child who is being tickled.


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